Traditional Herefords

Award winning stock available in Carmarthen

The Traditional Breed herd is managed alongside the rest of the herd in exactly the same way. It currently comprises of three female lines namely Julia, Amorous and Silver.

The main traditional herd sire at present is Heritage Benjamin’s last son, Laxfield Ballad. He is siring well-muscled cattle, and works particularly well on cows that need fleshing ability improved upon. Use has also been made of Ballad’s son, Laxfield Jefferson, from whom semen has been collected and is for sale.

Laxfield Bernard

Sire:  Rowington Valerian
Dam:  Stutton Nandon

Champion at the 1976 March Show & Sale at Hereford. Bernard was the first animal bred by Laxfield Herefords.

Laxfield Bernard Champion at the 1976 March Show & Sale at Hereford. Bernard was the first animal bred by Laxfield Herefords. Laxfield Bernard

Current Traditional Sires

Expord Quality Hereford Bull Semen

Laxfield Ballad

Sire Heritage Benjamin
Dam Laxfield Amorous 4th
Laxfield Ballad at 15 months.
Laxfield Ballad at 2 years of age.

Laxfield Jefferson

Export Quality Semen
Sire Laxfield Ballad
Dam Laxfield Julia 4th
Laxfield Jefferson at 2 years of age

Traditional Females

Laxfield Spark 27th

by Westwood Postman ex Laxfield Spark 2nd

Spark 27th is in the pedigrees of most of our traditional cattle.

Laxfield Julia 4th

by Clipston Robert ex Laxfield Julia 2nd.

With her calf Laxfield Jefferson at 2 days old

Laxfield Silver 12th

at 5 months of age by Nuelands Juror.

At 5 months of age by Nuelands Juror.

Traditional Sires by Artificial Insemination

Nuelands Juror

Sire Firlands Lustrous
Dam Aberloch Lena

The 1979 Royal Show Champion sold for export to Australia for 13,500 guineas. Juror’s daughter, Laxfield Silver 12th, is one of this year’s best calves.

DOB 22-04-1974. Bred by Mr Alex Cant.

Haven Greatheart

Sire Haven Drifter
Dam Haven Sheila 9th

Reserve Bull of the Year 1973 and 1974.

Bred by E. L. Lewis & Son.